The Genomics Center

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Clinical Genomics Molecular Laboratory

Laboratory Director:  James Dermody, Ph.D FACMG and Bei You, Ph.D FACMG
Laboratory Supervisor:  Deanna Streck, MS
Location: MSB F656
Tel:  973-972-3170
Fax: 973-972-0795
Hours of Operation:  Monday – Friday    9AM-5PM

Scope of Service:

  • The Molecular Genetics Laboratory is a state of art genetics laboratory with the technology to perform the latest assays.
        • Microarray analysis : Comparative Genomic Hybridization, expression and miRNA arrays
        • MLPA, Sanger
        • Next generation sequencing: Novaseq, Miniseq, Nextseq, Miseq, Novaseq
        • Real time PCR and Conventional PCR
  • Provide Molecular Genetics testing for hospital centers and referring clinics. The facility is equipped with state of the art equipment for microarray, PCR and sequencing technologies. The laboratory specializes in Next Generation Sequencing, Comparative Genomic Hybridization, Fragile X mental retardation and other genetic disorders .